Much has happened in the past 3 weeks! And so much more is ahead! Whoa!
Two weeks ago, on October 20th, I had emergency gall bladder surgery. What?! Yes. No way! It's true. At 23 years old, I had over 100 gallstones floating around in the nasty little non-vital organ, which caused over 8 hours of pain, an ambulance ride, 4 days in the hospital, surgery, and lots of morphine - and now I'm good! Sore, but healing. I didn't have much time to recoperate, with Rocky Horror opening this past weekend. I'm so happy to have made it back, because it's probably the best production I've done at Kelsey to date, and our Midnight show on Halloween practically sold out with crazies. Love it. I just wish I was able to dance 100 percent. I'm probably at 85. And that does not float my boat.
In high school, someone read my palm, and said that my palms life-line had a split in it, and that some sort of health problem might come along and put me out of commission for a split second, but then I'd be back. If I decide that I do, in fact, believe that, then let this have been my split second please! I'm crazy.
One more weekend of Rocky Horror (but I love this cast, could it last forever please?), then two weeks of The King and I, and then I start one of my two new choreography jobs that I am so excited about! I'm going to be choreographing the winter musical for The Pennington School, and then The Wiz at Kelsey! Plus I want to audition. For other shows, not those. And work. Which, if they don't start giving me more hours, I need to find a new job. Awesome.
See? I'm completely scattered. I would freelance forever if I could. Except as of now, I'm broke. Like, I literally don't have a dollar to my name. And I just got pulled over for the first time last night for NOT running a red light. Cops are jerks! I'll fight! And I'll win. Because I'm pretty. And wear a green skull bra in Rocky.
Go-go Gadget scatterbrain!