Then a funny thing happened. I walked out of the office, and instead of taking the slightly longer, completely out-of-my-way, safe route home, I turned directly towards his street and walked. I walked right down one street, and turned on to another, and found myself directly across from his apartment building. I had no intention or urge to go near it, but I stood across from it, and I stared. I stared at the green door and metal buzzer. I stared at the elevator shaft notices and cracked window bars. I stared at the crumbling bricks, the dripping water, the beat up air conditioners balancing out dirty windows. I stared, and I breathed. And I took it all in. And then I let it all out. I saw myself, bouncing towards his building, day after day, so excited to see him and climb the four flights of stairs, only to stop for a moment at the top to catch my breath so as not to seem tired when I finally got to lay eyes on him. I saw myself, meeting him right outside, hoping he would grab me in a giant embrace, as if he hadn't seen me in weeks, and always being slightly disappointed when I had to ask or lean in for a kiss. I stared, and I remembered, and then I moved on. I walked away, feeling as though I had just conquered this tiny step, this little street I had been so scared to walk down. I was nervous about seeing him and kept my eyes wide and peeled for the short time I stood there, but I knew that I needed to be there, just for that moment. And then I needed to let that moment go.
I ended up walking home the way we would normally walk to my place together. I stopped in front of places with our memories - the beer garden I threw his surprise party at and where we had our third date; the bar where we ate Cheese Puffs and Twizzlers, played pool and Risk and drank girly beer; the movie theatre we frequented and tried to go to far more than we ever ended up being able to; the building that was "so far away"; the old flea market-turned-outside-bar that we could never figure out how to enter. I stopped at all these places for just a few moments to admire, and release. And after feeling the memories, good and bad, I walked on. It was painful, yet cleansing - as if I was saying goodbye to these memories for now because, just maybe, they are too painful to carry with me. This neighborhood, this city, reminds me of him. Everything screams his name, his voice, his smell, his movements - and it's all a little too much. And since I can't run or move away from it all, I need to re-learn it. Without him. And it's really, really hard.
I'm absolutely still feeling the breakup pains - the "what is he..." thoughts plague me often, though maybe not as frequently as they did the first two weeks. Not being able to talk to him hurts (my decision), and not seeing him or being held by him are probably some of the worst feelings in the world right now. I hate missing someone all the time. I hate feeling sad, ever. But if I'm ever going to get through this to move past this, I have to. I have to move on and let go - and I don't want to, but I have to. Every day, though getting easier, has been a struggle. Getting out of bed is the worst. Falling asleep is the worst. Missing him is the worst. But it's all I can do.
I spent so much time trying to be enough, trying to be the best girlfriend and person I could be, feeling like I was always inadequate or not good enough, hoping that "maybe today, he'll love me", trying to be worthy enough of him and his ability to fall in love me, when really? It was he who may not have been worthy of me, and my love. I wanted so much from the relationship, and from him, and he was not capable of giving it to me. And instead of taking that on as a fault of mine, I need to realize and truly understand that there was nothing I could do. You can not draw blood from a stone, and you can not make a man who does not have it in him to love someone love you. This is the challenge that I need to embrace, and move on, so that the person who can love me, and will love me, can come along. Because I deserve to be loved.
"The truth is, you can only give a person so much time to realize what's standing right in front of them. You can only let a person chase you for so long before you realize that maybe, just maybe, they never intended to catch you at all. The right one for you will always handle your heart with care and treasure it for the precious gift that it is" - Mandy Hale
"Someday you're gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You'll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing" - Elizabeth Gilbert