I tried. I did, I can't hold it in any longer. May we PLEASE discuss the horrible, horrible political boohockey we're currently surrounded by?
Flat out - I am about as Democratic as you can get. I am pro-choice, I watched every speech in the DNC, I hate people with ridiculous amounts of money (which may just have to do with the fact that I don't have any, and nothing to do with a political party), etcetera, and so forth. However, if I hadn't been a democrat before? This last repub move has CERTAINLY pushed me far over the edge that never even needed to exist. Oy.
Politics seems to be the only thing on the news these days - and with extremely good reason. The name most recently stirring all the buzz? Sarah Palin - everyday hockey mom from Alaska, and residential dumbass who, and I quote, believed that just 4,000 years ago, dinosaurs roamed the earth. Really?
What do we know about her? Enough to make me know that if McCain is elected, and then dies (which I believe I heard is considered an actual possibility? yikes.), and the great V.P. Palin becomes president, I'm moving to Canada. The woman was a beauty queen who doesn't believe in gun control, has children with the names Bristol, Track, and Trig (...), a 17 year old pregnant daughter (how so Jamie-Lynn), just recently obtained her very first passport (and is so proud!), and when asked if war with Russia was on the table, she said we'd go. Yeah - because we're not already in a military strain.
The thing that bothers me the most, is that THIS is the woman who is causing Obama to lose supporters. This past-her-expiration-date beauty queen could actually be our president. And no one is afraid of this because? I'm honestly worried. This woman says that if a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, it would be illegal for her to have an abortion - and SHE could be the one holding the nuclear codes to take us to war with Russia, who has enough nuclear power to end civilization as we know it. She is an embarrassment to not only me, not only every woman, but to every person in this country with the ability to graduate high school. She is an insult to my own intelligence, and I'm not buying any of what she's selling.
We're supposed to be on board with her because she is the "every woman". If she is the every woman? I'm moving to Canada and getting a sex change operation. I was a hardcore Hillary supporter (and not only because of the fantastic name she upholds), but I will vote for Obama over Palin one million times over.
Flat out - I am about as Democratic as you can get. I am pro-choice, I watched every speech in the DNC, I hate people with ridiculous amounts of money (which may just have to do with the fact that I don't have any, and nothing to do with a political party), etcetera, and so forth. However, if I hadn't been a democrat before? This last repub move has CERTAINLY pushed me far over the edge that never even needed to exist. Oy.
Politics seems to be the only thing on the news these days - and with extremely good reason. The name most recently stirring all the buzz? Sarah Palin - everyday hockey mom from Alaska, and residential dumbass who, and I quote, believed that just 4,000 years ago, dinosaurs roamed the earth. Really?

What do we know about her? Enough to make me know that if McCain is elected, and then dies (which I believe I heard is considered an actual possibility? yikes.), and the great V.P. Palin becomes president, I'm moving to Canada. The woman was a beauty queen who doesn't believe in gun control, has children with the names Bristol, Track, and Trig (...), a 17 year old pregnant daughter (how so Jamie-Lynn), just recently obtained her very first passport (and is so proud!), and when asked if war with Russia was on the table, she said we'd go. Yeah - because we're not already in a military strain.
The thing that bothers me the most, is that THIS is the woman who is causing Obama to lose supporters. This past-her-expiration-date beauty queen could actually be our president. And no one is afraid of this because? I'm honestly worried. This woman says that if a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, it would be illegal for her to have an abortion - and SHE could be the one holding the nuclear codes to take us to war with Russia, who has enough nuclear power to end civilization as we know it. She is an embarrassment to not only me, not only every woman, but to every person in this country with the ability to graduate high school. She is an insult to my own intelligence, and I'm not buying any of what she's selling.
We're supposed to be on board with her because she is the "every woman". If she is the every woman? I'm moving to Canada and getting a sex change operation. I was a hardcore Hillary supporter (and not only because of the fantastic name she upholds), but I will vote for Obama over Palin one million times over.
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