Instead, I will be working at Barnes and Noble, helping rude, un-thankful people search for books for over 20 minutes - only to find them an hour later sitting on a random cafe table, not purchased. This is not what I should be doing with my life. I almost feel like I would be getting more gratification going back to waiting tables at this point.
I told myself I would stay for one year - one year to save up some money, get my benefits, and move on. If September first rolls around, and I'm still here? I'm moving anyway, with or without a job opportunity. Decision made!
Also, remember the famous "25 things" phenomenon? Apparently it's back, only this time with a different title - "44 things", or something equally stupid. I've decided, instead, to just repost my original. That makes 50, so suck it.
1. I love cottage cheese.
2. I tell people I don’t know what it is I want to do with my life because it’s easier than trying to defend the truth.
3. I could live off of chocolate.
4. I hate sour cream and guacamole.
5. People often ask me if I’m part Asian. I don’t know why. I don’t think I look it even a little bit.
6. I dance around alone my room in my underwear all the time. Everyday, if I can help it.
7. The people in my life I feel closest to are the people I see the least.
8. I’m terrified of not accomplishing something great.
9. I wish I were just a little bit stronger.
10. I have never felt popular.
11. My Dad took me to see over 300 Rutgers football and basketball games when I was little. My favorite parts were the hotdogs and the dance teams.
12. I miss my gallbladder. I do not miss being sick anymore.
13. I think I was born in the wrong decade. I should have been born in the 70’s.
14. Freshman and Junior years in college were my favorite.
15. In 2nd grade, I got sent to the principles office with Fiona, Jan, and Fokion, because Fiona and I were running during indoor recess, and Fokion sat on Jan. We all got yelled at, and I never told my Mom.
16. I love getting flowers - just not all roses. I think they smell kind of funny.
17. I’m terrible at accepting compliments.
18. In 6th grade I tried to dye pink streaks in my hair because I thought it would make me cooler. It just turned my scalp red for a week.
19. Mrs. Findley was my favorite teacher of all time. I still think about her often.
20. I talk to myself, and have done so since I was about 2
21. I desperately want to travel to Europe, but flying to another country scares me.
22. My oldest friends are scattered all over the country, and I miss them.
23. I’m happiest when I’m dancing, and I don’t care whether or not I’m good at it.
24. I watched Saved By The Bell whenever it's on.
25. I love the Spice Girls. They spice up my life.
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