I stole this picture from a new friend. And I love that it combines 3 of my favorite things: dancing, philosophy, and dinosaurs. And killer Killer lyrics - no harm there. Focker, out.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I stole this picture from a new friend. And I love that it combines 3 of my favorite things: dancing, philosophy, and dinosaurs. And killer Killer lyrics - no harm there. Focker, out.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Oh The Weather Outside Is Weather
Memories have been flooding my vision today - each and every one of them making me smile from ear to ear. There is something truly magical about the first big snow storm of the season (how very Lorelai Gilmore of me), the reminiscence, and the feelings that resurface. Cancelled classes; Lunch tray sledding outside of the Towers; Stuck car doors; Snowball fights after rehearsals, resulting in a wicked case of bronchitis and 2 rounds of antibiotics (worth every second); Guitar Hero and practically ice skating across campus from the furthest and most dangerous mountain point to the next; Fireplaces, and s'mores, and watching my kitties chase the flames; snowmen on our last winter as a family; a week-long state of emergency and being snowed in with Lauren for 5 days, while Jim, our neighbor, made a maze of paths with his mini snow plow for us to navigate (and Max was only 4, so he wasn't allowed out in the snow for fear of actually losing him); the giant mountain made by the snow plow in the center of the circle, resulting in weeks of fort making and sledding patterns; down to last years New Years Eve, and getting iced-in with some of my closest friends.
On a completely different note, I've gotten mixed up in a little bit of drama recently (and slightly by accident). This incident, while bringing some harsh realities to light, has given me reason to look at myself a little closer. I don't like drama, or gossip, or anything of the sort - and if that is the case, I need to work a little harder on ridding it from my own life, and making sure I do not take part of it. I've always believed that when things go wrong, it's important to take a step back and look at the situation as objectively as you can - if you are the common denominator, then maybe you are part of the problem.
My specific plight is that I'm too trusting, and too open. I pride myself on being as honest as I can be - blunt even - and I think I need to pull back a little. I need to keep my nose out of where it doesn't belong, even if I'm not doing so intentionally or maliciously. Part of being a friend is just being there, and letting those you care about know you're there. My friends have been amazing the past year - being there for me, holding my hand when I needed support and kicking my ass when I needed a wake up call, helping me move (some of them helping twice, and some on their birthday), and caring for me, even after seeing me at my worst. I need to give some of them more credit, stop over thinking things, and let the little things slide away. All I can do is hope that the people I put my trust in are the people who will always be there, and always have my back (as I will always have theirs). Everything else is unimportant.
My horoscopes have been eerily on point as of late. I hope they continue to impress. I leave you with this one:
If you are having negative thoughts about this crazy season, you should really change your tune. You have much to be grateful for, and you will have even more to be happy about very soon. Live in the moment and appreciate it.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Ginger... What?!

Good day, mere mortals. Good day.
Friday, December 10, 2010
A Mental Mind Explosion
It actually roused a great deal of thought. I began thinking a lot about the past year - the ups, the downs, the spectacular, the average, and everything in between - however, what continued to pop up, as it has been for the past few months, was this past summer, and all the events leading up to it - my family, our move, the stress, and the relationships fractured among us because of it all. I've spent the past few months in transition, moving out of my home and crashing in my moms tiny apartment for a few months while I looked for a place - then moving out on my own, to a brand new big city, completely out of my comfort zone. While I have been here now a little over 2 months, I'm still feeling the unrest, the after effects - and it took me until now to realize that that is what has been going on with me.
I've been feeling out of sorts, down, alone, scared, and anxious for months upon months now. I thought that once I moved out of my house, all of that would just magically disappear, and I'd be nothing put perfectly happy and content, satisfied with my decisions, and ready to jump into the world. Yes, I'm much less anxious than I was from June until October, yes I'm happy I made the decision to move here and work here, but I've never felt more vulnerable or insecure. I feel like a moving target - like all it takes is looking at me, and you can see right through me. My eyes give me away. They show my stress, and fear, and pure exhaustion from this past year. My body has physically reacted as well - I'm sore and tired, and I can barely keep food down.
I think what I'm looking for is some sort of answer or a sign, which is silly. Things happen because you make them happen, not because you sit around and wait for them. I think I need to allow myself to feel again - I've shut down a lot of myself, out of fear of getting hurt again, out of anger, and just being scared overall. I've shut myself down emotionally without even realizing it in order to protect myself. But what is it I'm protecting myself from? Being happy? Enjoying life? Moving on?
Have the past two years been rough? Hell yes. But how long can I live hanging on to that? How long can I dwell on missing my parents and the ideal family life I wish I had? I don't have the picture perfect household, and I never will - I need to embrace what I have (which is way more than plenty others do), and realize that there is love surrounding me, whether it shows itself the way I wish it would or not. How long can I wish my Mother wasn't ill, that she was healthy and happy? She isn't. But she's my Mother, and I love her, and need to learn to accept her the way she is. How long can I think back to Travis and wish things had turned out differently? They didn't. I have to stop idealizing him any more than I already have in the past.
I think the holidays always stir up an excess of emotions in people they weren't necessarily ready to deal with. Perhaps this is why people dread the holidays. I think of how for five years in a row, I spent Christmas with the person I thought I would spend the rest of my life with - how his family embraced me as their own, how everything about this time of year brings me back to that chiminae and the snowfall on Christmas Eve, to quiche's and wine, and the family that wasn't family whom I loved whole-heartedly. I think back to cold, wintry mornings at 7am, shelving books and arranging holiday displays, mocking managers and flirting with friends, going out for beers, milkshakes and fries, stolen kisses, and snuggling up baking cookies for staff meetings. And this year, I'm scared. Because I don't have any of that. I have nothing familiar, and no one in particular to share it with. It's things like this that I'm scared make me numb - that make me block out when good actually does come upon me, because I'm so afraid I'll be let down again. That is something I need to move past, and learn how to open myself again.
My friend Jaimie put it best - she told me to have some Hilary time, and just enjoy being in the city. She's absolutely right.
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Lotus

In Egyptian and Hindu mythology, the Lotus is compared to the sun - the flower closes and hides beneath the water at night, and then rises and reopens at dawn. It is for this reason the flower is often associated with Atom, the sun God, who, along with the sun itself, represents reincarnation as well - rising, shining, setting into darkness, and repeating - just like life. Divine beauty.
Asian traditions view the Lotus as sexual purity and non-attachment.
The Lotus can be used to represent change, enlightenment, rebirth, and new beginnings, as well as strength, and heart. The various colors also each represent something different, but that would take hours.
Last night, my Dad and Step-mom gave me a necklace with a Lotus pendant on it, and with extremely great reason. This is my rebirth, and my new beginning. I've always been slightly afraid of major changes, and it's time for me to not only accept it, but embrace it. This necklace reminds me of that. I need to bring light back into my heart, and take in all the things happening around me. I'm really happy they reminded me of why I'm really here, and of why I always wanted to be here. I think it's easy to forget - with bills, and working, and living, and trying to budget and pay rent, have enough money for food and transportation - I've just spent too much time worrying. Everything happens for a reason, and things work out they way they should, just not always in the way you expected, and I need to understand that, and be more flexible. The past year or so has gotten me so clenched up and closed off, and that's not who I am. I'm free spirited, adventurous, serious but fun, responsible but impulsive - and I need to get that back, let go, and fly.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Fuckin' Hipsters Stealing My Sleep

It is now that I introduce to you a website that, while I loathe it's existence (and the fact that they have a damn BOOK published, which is how I found it in the first place [thanks BN]), called "Look At This Fucking Hipster". I'm sorry. They need to buy more underpants and TURN THE PARTY DOWN.
Reasons I currently don't like "Hipsters":
A. They go on my roof
2. "You smell homeless, Brett. Homeless". This is because Hipsters don't shower. That is, they don't shower enough. Greasy hair = stylish and easier to mold into a cool mo hawk or a weirdo spiked comb over. It also holds onto hats with more ease.
D. They try too hard to be different. Just be yourself, smelly kids.

I feel better. Now to get some sleep. OH WAIT.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Single Thought Post Day
I love living in a city that allows me to obtain whatever food I want, whenever and wherever I want it. To connect: this corn chowder bread bowl is shamazing.
I'm super excited about The Wedding Singer.
When was Thanksgiving suddenly a week away?
One of my favorite co-workers is leaving for an amazing job opportunity.
I still look for my parents approval, and want them to be proud of me. I don't think they are.
I need to calm my sweet tooth down - I've been consuming far too much sugar.
Losing friends to bad decisions makes me sad. Losing board games doesn't bother me at all.
I'm saving up to take a much anticipated and highly over due trip to D.C., and also, California.
I'm dreading the holidays this year.
I want a cat like it's my job. More importantly, I miss Sophie.
Break ups are hard.
I'm really excited for the cake at our staff meeting today.
I hope I can stay awake for Harry Potter tonight - and that seeing it at midnight while having work the next day wasn't a bad decision.
I love seltzer.
I need to win the lottery.
I've Been Really Into These Lately...
Thanks, daily horoscope. I needed that!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Quick Notes
I also can't believe it's been almost 3 years since we drove down to LBI, spray painted shells neon green, yellow, and pink, mixed them with pearls, and filmed my running into the ocean in 50 degree weather, picked up 4 half liters of Wawa iced tea/lemonade, and just made it home in time for the Pioneer Players meeting in the new dorms.
Strange memories are haunting me today, and the Hudson River is oddly grey. How gloomy.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Scatter Brain

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Todays Horoscope...
Nonsensical Banter
NEW TOPIC. I am not ashamed to admit that I am, in fact, a Glee fan. I am, however, very sad at how terribly the show has been going this season, thus far. While last night certainly was a nod back to old school Glee (can I call it that after only one season? It seemed long), it's still lacking the initial excitement and enthusiasm the show had when it first started out. The reason I liked it so much was that, in a way, it lived out all my secret fantasies of what I wished high school was really like - bursting out into random musical numbers, immediately knowing music and perfect harmonies by just glancing at a piece of sheet music, actually HAVING a Glee Club, with a bangin' band available at a moments notice, and instantaneously knowing a full musical theatre number, choreography and all, and being amazing at it. This season, however, Glee is focusing more on gathering ratings and numbers by playing "tribute" (if you want to call it that) to supposed musical icons (again, if you want to call them that). While the Madonna episode last year was phenomenal, it still pushed forward with a plot line. This seasons Brittany episode was a pathetic excuse for an hour of television. Yes, the music videos were on point, but a plot line where kids go to the dentist to get high and have trips so they can be the lead of their own Brittany video? Give me a break. And since when does the guidance counselor call in her dentist boyfriend to give singers a lesson on brushing their teeth? STRETCH. I can't even touch the disaster that was the Rocky Horror episode. I knew it would be a bust, but I tried to give it a chance. I will never get that hour of my life back. "Sweet Transvestite" should be sung by just that - a transvestite. Mercedes wearing a corset? Not the same. True, her voice is killer, and her diva-dom remains in tact, but even Aretha couldn't pull that number off unless she had a penis and some serious lipstick. She is not, in fact, a tranny. And is it just me, or does watching two teachers start to get it on in a classroom while singing make anyone else uncomfortable? Yikes.
Last nights episode looks like it could be Glee's saving grace, tackling issues such a gay bullying while still maintaining killer musical numbers - the rival all boys a capella group rocked it. Yet the prospect of Gwenyth Paltrow coming on next week makes me uneasy. I really want to keep watching and enjoying this show. I do hope they go back to where it began.
I would like to share an excerpt on the subject from Meghan Brown, co-founder of the Giraffe Hunt Theatre in LA, from a recent article in the Atlantic:
"Okay. I'm mad again.
What. The. Heck. Is. Going. On.
Why would a relatively conservative high school in Ohio put on Rocky Horror? In what Universe is RHPS Emma's favorite movie? How is a whole musical going up in a week's time? Why is everyone OK with adults (especially non-faculty adults LIKE THE SCHOOL COUNSELOR'S DENTIST BOYFRIEND) being in a sexy musical with high schoolers? Why is Amber playing Frankenfurter instead of Kurt? How did Sue's anti-Rocky rant end up being the most logical part of the show?
More importantly: Why do we care? Why do we care if Emma and Will get together, when Will is sort of the world's worst person? Why do we care about a musical that we can tell from the get-go isn't going to end up happening?
Look, Glee isn't Rocky Horror, and Rocky Horror certainly isn't Britney Spears. A fakey homage consisting of a watered-down, Disney-fied version isn't going to cut it.
Amen, sister. Rant over.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Growing and Learning
A lot has happened in the past few weeks, and I've learned a lot - mostly about myself. I guess picking up and moving as I did enables you to do a lot of self reflection, as it were. After the hellish roller coaster ride that was this summer, it makes sense. It's nice to be feeling a little more settled in. I still have a lot of things to sort through and boxes to unpack (and let's not talk about the storage unit back home I have yet to tackle), but it's coming along, slowly but surely. It's both challenging and fulfilling, sorting through all the crap you've obtained over the years. It's refreshing to move into a new place and unpack things the way you want - a fresh start, both physically and mentally. I like it.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Come home and my guitar has nothing to say to me
I recoil from all my friends and then I'm in misery
Been so long since I've been held, really since I was his
Probably just need to be held, that's probably all it is
Course then I think of my Dad, who travels mostly now
Back to when he was free and holding out hope somehow
Who sits all day in a line of wheelchairs against a wall
Inventing ways to play out time like us all
To all the people out there tonight who are comforting themselves
If you should happen to see my light you can stop and ring my bell
I'm just sitting here in this sty strewn with half written songs
Taking one breath at a time, not much going on
Little flashing zero on my answering machine
Rats scratching at my brain, braing shuffling it's feet
Yes, I have my fathers heart, it may or may not keep on trying
Can't really tell you what it is keeps me this side of that dark line
But I'm not there to take care of him, and I'm not here to take care of me
I'm going outside to watch the house burn down across the street
Monday, November 1, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Everything happens for a reason. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Everything comes to you in due time and when you least expect it. Somehow, none of these sayings matter very much when you're looking for a little comfort.
It's hard to consistently deal with rejection - whether it's coming from a job I've applied for, a show I've auditioned for, or a relationship I wanted to take off - I've had a lot of it thrown at me. You would think that by now, it would have gotten easier. Honestly, it doesn't seem to. I don't mean to sound like I'm miserable, or hopeless - that's not the case. I am, however, starting to feel a little left out from those who keep stumbling upon such awesome fortune, and maybe even a little jealous. It's also hard when you're not one of those people that gets thing easily - I never have been. Everything I've gotten, I've worked really hard for. Not to say that I don't appreciate it, or the person it's helped shaped me to be, but every so often? It would be really nice if something could just work out. People keep telling me to just be patient, and soon enough, it will be my turn to get some good. Well, Universe? I'd say it's my turn for a little happiness.
I know I'll be fine - I'm a tough cookie when I need to be. And I know that I'll find what it is I'm looking for. I may even find someone. Someone who wants me as much as I want them, and someone who will put me first, as I would put them first. I just need to remind myself of these things, and believe in them.
A friend of mine recently told me "Hilary, I'm going to give you the best advice you'll hear all year: don't worry so much." So, as the rules of improv clearly state, accept and build. I'll be okay.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Cats, Mangoes, And A Little BTB
I've been feeling a little out of sorts about things, and maybe not able to capture it in my own word as of late, so I'm stealing the rockin' Ben Taylor Band's.
"And I mostly remember the way that you look
And the only thing left is I'm lonely for you
Everything reminds me of you
And I hope that I find my way home soon"
Monday, October 25, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Bar Hoppin' In The 'Burg
Out Of Spoons
Brooklyn is great, though I'm not really sure it's hit me yet that I'm here, and on my own for real. It feels just like college, only no classes (which, by the way, I definitely miss - time for grad school!). I'm settling in, slowly but surely, and working really hard at making my place look and feel amazing. I love that the view from my bedroom window is of the Empire State Building. I'm learning the neighborhood and the subways. I enjoy hipster watching. Now I need to meet some new people.
I'm also definitely ready to go back to school - I'm craving knowledge. I'm starting to research different performing arts and education programs, as well as looking into getting my masters in Literature or Writing, to follow my B.A. We'll see. Both of my parents have something like 3 degrees each, so getting a double masters would be par for the course, and what is expected. And now I've crossed into ramble mode. I'm tired.
I'm feeling lighter, and heading towards optimistic. My smile is just a tad bit wider.
"And now I'm walking in a park
All of the birds, they dance below me
Maybe when things turn green again
It will be good to say you know me
Oh, it's taking so long
I could be wrong, I could be ready
But if I take my hearts advice
I should assume it's still unready
I am in repair"
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Today, I Give A Damn.

While I may not put up a mass status on Facebook or Twitter, I fully support purple spirit day - fighting hate crimes, LGBT equality, and putting an end to bullying. I look at what has happened over the past few weeks, and I am completely embarrassed. How can we, a society that prides itself on accepting others, a generation that wants to bring about change and be different, encourage the things that were going on years ago to continue? I won't preach, but I will stand strong. People are people, regardless of their sexual orientation. Perhaps it was always being in dance and theatre, or maybe growing up with two homosexual uncles, that desensitized me to the fact that people who are gay are considered "different". I always just thought it was natural. Love is love. You can't explain it, or justify it, and no one should have to. I support every PERSON, regardless of whether they love men or women, as everyone should.
SIGN UP, and help support and spread the message:
Monday, October 18, 2010
I'm so overwhelmed by all the crap I have, and all the boxes floating around my aparmtnet. There is also a severe lack of furniture (hopefully being remedied soon!), and a massive (I mean massive) overflow of clothing. Seriously, it's a problem. There is no way I wear all of it, and yet, somehow, I can't seem to get rid of it. I always think "Well, I might wear this one day...I might need this for something...", thus the insane amount of boxes simply filled with fabric. Problem number two: where do I put all of said clothing? I couldn't bring my armoire with me because it's gigantic and really wouldn't fit in my apartment (so now I have to throw it away...sad), so I only have a closet and a dresser. A dresser with 6 little drawers. Yikes. I also need another bookshelf (apparently two isn't enough), and a coffee table, and a sofa, and some sanity.
That is all.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Bad Assery

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Why Hello, Brooklyn
The Empire State Building is glowing orange tonight. I can tell you this simply because it's what I'm starring at as I sit on my bed with the window open, while the dull roar of street traffic and Spanish music blares in the background. I can feel the stress draining out of my pores and dissolving from the cloud that has been looming over my head since last January. I have nothing unpacked, and no energy or true desire to do so just yet (which could simply be due to pure exhaustion). I'm surrounded by half opened boxes and empty shelves, and a carpet that is badly in need of vacuuming. The sound of airplanes flying low and echoing over the river continues to remind me that I’m just that close. All the walls are white, and we don’t have a couch or coffee table. The furniture we do have is covered in the dust of hand-me-down-love and mismatching wood tones. I hung Christmas lights up and down the banister almost 3 times, and then made about 8 miniature origami stars from Matt’s jar. I feel overwhelmed and completely at peace, and while many things in my life are uncertainties and flurries of chaos, I feel content in knowing that I’m here - wherever “here” may be. So while, yes, I have a lot of things to figure out, and a lot of life to experience now, I’m starting to truly believe that things will fall where they are supposed to. Because I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what’s happening now.
"Wake up naked drinking coffee,
Making plans to change the world
While the world is changing us
It was good good love.
We used to laugh under the covers
Maybe not so often now
The way I used to laugh with you
Was loud and hard
So what to do
With the rest of the day's afternoon, hey
Well isn't it strange how we change
Everything we did
Did I do all that I should?"
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I have partially moved into my new apartment in Brooklyn, and will complete said move next week, once Seussical is over. Big dark secret? I'm scared out of my mind.
I'm turning 25 in 5 days. That's a big scary adult number. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.
Work is work. I like it, but I'm ready for the next step already. I think it's time to go back to school and delve into everything I always wanted to, but was too afraid to do it for fear of failing at it. I need to remind myself that I do, in fact, know what I want, and I'm going to go after it.
That's about it for now. I used to be much better at this.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
And We're Back. Maybe.
For those of you just tuning in, I have started a new chapter, one that I like to refer to as "Adulthood", subtitle "I have a real job and soon will be paying bills and rent like the rest of society, yay!". Strange that I'm pleased about a strict regulated schedule and additional responsibility? Heck no. I'm apartment searching with the lovely Christina (and maybe Rachel!), working an awesome 8:30 to 4:30 day, weekends off, 4 weeks of vacation, 12 holidays, 12 sick days, FREE full health benefits, AND, to top it all off, I'm doing something I actually care about, that has a future and potential. I like all the girls in my office (yes, an office of all women under the age of 37, watch out hormones), and I'm in a bangin' location city-wise. The commuting isn't my favorite, but I won't be doing it forever. Just, good things.
The two Asian girls I work with came in today wearing exactly the same outfit. Down to the nail polish. I wonder if they are taking over the world.
I don't think I ever realized how truly toxic my last work environment was until I was out of it. Not to say the people were bad, but the whole vibe and attitude of the management was plain nasty. My entire demeanor changed, and I didn't even realize it had gone south. Here, I can be myself, and be happy. I can take days off without worrying about being fired or written up like I'm in high school. I can take a real vacation. I have actual responsibilities in my job. I was hired and instantly trusted. I feel like I fit in here, like I know what I'm doing. I can make decisions and changes without worrying, and I'm responsible for myself. I freaking love it.
Best perk? In-office Keurig in every kitchen, and an endless flow of eating-out-of-the-jar-Nutella. Bliss.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Holy Rusted Confusion, Batman.
Monday, February 1, 2010
K-Turn Baby