I don't necessarily like to make resolutions, because I feel as though resolutions are meant to be broken (like "I will save money this year" or "I will not eat chocolate". Yeah right on both accounts). I prefer to think of it as setting semi unrealistic yet achievable goals that, when I do successfully attain, they are really exciting accomplishments. That being said, enjoy my list of some of the things I would love to be able to do, continue doing, or just kick a little more booty at.
1. Relax. Last year was crazy - between moving twice, jumping back and forth between homes, crashing on couches, working 3 jobs simultaneously, moving to the city - it was exhausting. This year, I'm going to enjoy myself. I've worked extremely hard for way too long. Now, I'm settled, and I'm going to enjoy living here. At least until September, when my lease is up, and I have to find a new place away from the crazy Orthodox Jew landlords who don't know how to do anything regarding an apartment building. This goes hand in hand with number...
2. Have more fun. I need to do just that. I don't think it requires any more explanation.
3. Take risks. I'm not talking sky diving here (no Tuesday Irregulars, I will not be jumping out of a plane with you in September), but more along the lines of generally just letting-go. And maybe road-tripping to Vegas.
4. Get back in touch with my friends. Silly, maybe, but I've gone sort of MIA for the past few months (since May, really), and now I'm done with that. I miss my people. I miss car rides and ice cream, sing-alongs and shopping excursions, photo shoots at abandoned car lots with drug dealers and rape motels in the background, dancing and board games, long phone calls and late night drinking. I'm social by nature. This hermit act is over.
5. Stop taking crap. Again. Self explanatory.
6. Get back into shape! (lame and typical, right?) I don't necessarily think I need to actively lose weight. I just need to get my groove back - get back to the studio, go outside and play more, you know, the usual shenanigans. And maybe lay off all the candy bars they sell in the lobby of my building. Those can't be good.
7. There is too much drama in drama. I don't want it anymore. I'm an adult, folks. I'm just staying uninvolved for a while. A detox cleanse diet, if you will.
8. Write more. Dance more. Kick more ass.
9. Be honest. I've always told it like it is. I'm going to continue to do so (maybe with a little more tact...), but I'm also going to try to speak up for myself a little more. Not a whole lot more, because I think I do an okay job. I just need to be more confident in my decisions and actions. Cue cheesy music.
10. Be myself.
So watch out, World. Hil-Dawg is back in action for 2011. I'm excited.
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