Sales Associate: Hey, has anyone ever told you that you look like Lady Gaga?
Hilary: I'm sorry?
Sales Associate: You look like Lady Gaga. Only without all the crazy shit on her face.
Hilary: Is that a good thing?
Sales Associate: You seen Lady Gaga? Yeah it's a good thing.
Hilary: Well thanks. I think.
This upset me very much, mainly because Lady Gaga without "all the crazy shit on her face" looks like this:
Hi. This looks nothing like me. Especially the whole blond hair thing. For real, sales man? You blind.
This made me go back to what is my (not exactly even close to) ultimate dilemma: Who is my doppelganger? This question initially arose about a year ago, when everyone on Facebook changed their profile picture to that of their own doppelgangers. I did not have one (well. I did - I'm just still in denial about it. More on that later). I remember asking people who they thought I looked like, but no one could really give me a decent answer. Apparently I look like Matt's friend Megan because she also has "a big nose" (I do not have a big nose). I have never seen Megan. Therefore, I decided to combine the suggestions I was given, and see what they had in common. Aside from being white with dark hair, I don't think I look anything like most of these people. But here goes.
I been told I look like Michelle Branch. Who I believe (and I may be mistaken about this) is part Native American. I am not that. Jews don't look like Native Americans. Sorry guys.

But alas. I am forced to own up to what I have always known to be true. My true doppelganger, despite all my denial, my embarrassment, is none other than Lunette. The clown from The Big Comfy Couch.
That's right, I look like a giant ass freckled childrens show clown who talks to a puppet with giant ears, and lives on a giant piece of furniture with big, poofy hair, drawn-on freckles, and a shirt with bananas or moons or something on it. Gross.
1 comment:
I thought Lunette was pretty hot. Plus she does it clown-style.
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