Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Makeover To Takeover

As some of you avid and loyal followers may or may not have noticed, my little piece of internet real estate has taken on a new and improved look!  In an effort to revitalize my writing habits and keep this thing current, I decided it was important to include all the things I learn and love in a slightly more accessible, albeit more organized, fashion.  You will notice there are now tabs above here (did you see?  I'm so excited!).  I am hoping to incorporate all my explorations here, in one easy spot.  I will be linking things like my yelp reviews, theatrical events of friends and others, goings-ons, and, my personal favorite, food.  Please bear with me while my spot-o-blog remains slightly under construction, and keep checking back for improvements, updates, and funtivities.  I'll leave you now with a super cute picutre of my kitty - because who doesn't love that?  Oh gosh he's so cute.

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