Wednesday, October 10, 2012

On My 27th

The Best Roommate Gift Ever

Last week, I turned 27.  It is an age that, up until about 6 weeks ago, I was terrified of.  Then I started thinking about what a crappy age 26 was, and how 27, though perhaps scary in size, could be pretty fantastic.  I'm living and thriving in one of the most incredible cities in the world, I'm doing things that I love, I have a list of goals miles long, I have friends and family that care about me, and I'm happy.  Suddenly, I am excited for all it has to offer.

It just wouldn't be a birthday without looking back, and seeing all the knowledge I've gained to take forth with me for this next year of adventures.  I've learned that:

Cats should never eat marshmallows.  If you have them in your house, they will more than likely find them, and eat them.  The ending result of that is not pretty.

People will come in and out of your life.  There isn't necessarily always going to be a reason for it at the time, but the purpose will come to you eventually.

Playing in the summer rain should be done as often as humanly possible.

Bouncing along to the music in your headphones while walking down the street, while making you look funny, makes every step so much more enjoyable. 

The subway is a terrible place to fall asleep.

I am worthy of more than I give myself credit for, in every aspect.

The people who matter stay in your life, no matter what.

I have a good poker face when I actually play poker.

I love Sushi.  Especially Masago.

Timing is everything.

Never give up on the things that you love.

Broken hearts absolutely heal.

Casinos at 10am are incredibly depressing.

Volleyball is my spirit animal.

I am allergic to bug bites.

Losing yourself for the benefit of another is absolutely never worth it.

Neither is waiting for something or someone to come around.

Moving on feels incredible.

Do not give change to a homeless person asking for a dollar.  They will yell at you, and maybe start to run after you.  Also, never put it in a coffee cup.  There might be coffee in there.

Running is awesome.

So are funny YouTube videos.  And tap dancing.

Taking pictures is also awesome.

Never regret the mistakes you've made.  They are what make you who you are and the person you are destined to be.

45 year old men think 26 year olds are good for dating.

Adopting a 4 week old kitten is always a good idea.

Adopting a 4 week old kitten is insane, but I love him anyway.

Strong Bad never gets old.  Ever.

Taking care of yourself can be one of the greatest things you will ever do.

Renting an apartment is stressful.

You are always worthy and deserving of love.

I'm sure there will be more and more to add, but for now, this pretty much captures the highlights.  I'm excited.

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