Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Adventures in Jello Shots!

In an effort to revamp and re-inspire both this blog and my writing self, I have decided to expand the content I share here on my tiny little piece of Internet real estate.  Today, for example, I will be sharing a fun little "recipe", if you will, that I once saw at a friends house, and decided to research and attempt on my own.  Here goes. 

Jello Shots in Fruit Rinds!

What you will need:
  • Jello Mix (I used a few different flavors)
  • Oranges (or any fruit with a thick rind - you can use Lemons or Limes, though the flavor may come out slightly more sour)
  • Water
  • A Large Bowl (to collect fruit goop)
  • A Sharp Knife
  • Vodka
To start, you want to cut all of the oranges in perfect halves.  Try to keep your slices straight, as this will prevent your Jello from spilling later.

Next, gut your oranges.  This is probably the hardest part of the entire process, as you do not want to put any holes or slits in your rinds (also causing spillage later!).  It's helpful to have a big bowl next to you while doing this, so you can throw all the fruit guts aside.  I used a serrated knife to help scrape out any excess fruit.  Place the rinds aside so they can dry out a little.

Once your fruit rinds are clean, lay them out on a baking sheet.  This will make transporting them into the refrigerator much easier, once they are filled with liquid. 

After that, make Jello!  For this, you can mainly follow the directions on the box, but substitute some of the cold water for vodka.  For example, if the Jello recipe calls for 1 cup of boiling water and 1 cup of cold water, put in 1 cup of boiling water, 1/2 cup of cold water, and 1/2 cup of vodka.  I used Orange and Watermelon Jello.  Party on.

Next, simply pour your Jello into the fruit rinds.  Make sure you fill them until they are almost spilling over - Jello tends to shrink once it hardens.  You can then move your fruit rinds into the refrigerator.

Most Jello will take 5-6 hours to set.  I made these about 8 hours before the party I was bringing them too, and the Jello was really not quite hard enough.  To be safe, I would definitely make these the day before I needed them.  Once your Jello has hardened, you can cut them just as you would a normal orange.  Little trick: place the knife in the freezer for a few minutes before cutting - this will prevent the Jello from sticking to the blade, and lifting it out of the orange rinds.

And voila!  You have Jello shots!  These are crazy impressive for parties, and not even that hard to make.  Plus, they taste delicious.  Feel free to change the amount of vodka you put in your Jello to your personal preference, and enjoy!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Newest Obsession

I know it's sexist, and cliche, and girly, and fantastically polka-dotted, but I must own this:

Check out these adorable finds and more at Sugar Baby Aprons!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dear Self

It’s amazing what a little self-motivation and pep-talking, mixed with a little sadness and Dar Williams can do to for a girl.

I was awoken last night from a deep sleep with a massive anxiety attack – over what, precisely, I’m not sure, but I can guarantee you it’s one of the worst feelings in the world.  This is mostly because I’ve been pretty stressed out lately – money is super tight, bills are overdue, my rent check bounced, work is unchallenging yet tense, my relationship is experiencing growing pains, and I don’t have a huge social life in the city just yet (and am not quite sure how to go about remedying that).  Not to mention that over the past year, I have probably put on a whopping 15 pounds that I know I didn’t have when I moved here (this is an obvious mix of life style changes and living surrounded by some of the best food options in the world), so my self confidence is forever wavering.  Stressed is an understatement.  It’s really no wonder I wake up at 4am with a craving for either chocolate or a Xanax.  I feel like there is a little inch worm creeping through my brain, planting doubts and sadness wherever I may begin to feel a tinge of hope.  I’ve been in a rut since the New Year started, and I have no one to blame but myself.

I’ve allowed myself to be swallowed by the negative things in my life, rather than embrace them and use them to better myself.  I need a kick in the ass to get my life back on track.  I’m allowing myself to fall, rather than picking myself back up – and that’s not like me at all.

So this is my letter to myself; My motivation to get myself moving, and changing – not necessarily back to my “old” self, as we should never go back; but to be comfortable going forward, embracing changes, growth, and discoveries.  Sort of like my post winter-blues-looking-ahead-to-spring-resolutions.  Here goes.

Smile more.

Listen to more music, and make more playlists – you love them, so enjoy them.

Take one day and one task at a time.  Make to-do lists.  Writes things down just to cross them out to help you get started.  It’s okay to trick yourself, just a little.

Catch up with old friends – stop being so scared to reconnect!

Make more phone calls.  Texting is not the same.

Stay consistent in your dancing.  You have a dance card.  Get your butt dancing.

Surround yourself with positive people.  If someone doesn’t like you, move on.  No more dwelling!

Stop taking things so personally.  Just because someone is having a bad does NOT mean you did anything wrong.  People have bad days.  It is not a reflection on you. 

Sing along with the radio.

Focus at work – stay in it 100%, but continue to balance a social aspect without going too far over one way or the other.  Stay friendly (I put out a candy bowl today.  Step one.).

Review your grammar!

Keep writing.

Keep reading.

Do your nerdy thing and be proud.  It’s okay to enjoy video games, kid’s books, and knitting.

Be loud and proud.  Always.

Speak your mind – but know when not too.

Know that the friends that want to be in your life help find a way to stay there, and stop worrying about the ones who don't.

Only you can change your situation.  If something is making you unhappy, don’t do it, don’t be around it, and take yourself somewhere better.  Sometimes, it really is that simple.

If you are unhappy with your body, do something to change it.  Lying to yourself by saying you are eating better isn’t enough.  Get to the gym.  No gym?  Dance around your apartment.  Go to the park and run. Sign back up for soccer.  Get moving!

Get your last 2 wisdom teeth pulled.  You’ll feel better.

The list is forever growing.  Now that I have it in writing, I have no excuse not to motivate myself.  And for those of you readers out there possibly hurting from the same left over New-Years-this-winter-was-lame rut?  Perhaps this will inspire you to write your own motivation.  

And let me know you read! I'd love to know who comes to check out my little piece of internet real estate over here and vamp things up a bit.  Any takers on helping?